Saturday, August 25, 2012

Photos for Healthcare Facilities

If you are looking for fine art photography for your healthcare facilities, take a look at the 'Healthcare' section on my photography website. There is a drop down menu at the top of every page that contains all of my galleries. The healthcare section is categorized to help designers easily find an image that works with the design of their facility. You can find my website at William Drew Photography.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Photos For Healthcare Facilities

My photography website is now set up to provide fine art prints for healthcare facilities working with Interior Designers and Art Consultants. My healthcare galleries can be found in the drop down menus on the top of all my pages. There is a healthcare section that is categorized to help designers easily find an image that works with their design. For more information, visit my website at William Drew Photography.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

View of Minneapolis Skyline from Target Field

Here are two recent photos that feature the spectacular view of downtown Minneapolis from inside Target Field.

Click on either image to see them full size. William Drew Photography.

See all of my Minneapolis photos!
William Drew Photography

Tuesday, August 7, 2012